Bring Thank You for Your Service to your Community
Help us bring Thank You for Your Service to movie theaters across the United States. We have partnered with Gathr Films to allow individuals and organizations the opportunity to organize and promote screenings in movie theaters across the country. By hosting a screening, you have the opportunity to use this film as a tool to bring people together and take a hard look at the mental health crisis facing our service members & veterans and offer a roadmap of hope in your own community.
Become a Movie Captain & Host your own screening
Hosting a screening is easy: just pick the date, time, and theater where you want to host your screening and Gathr® will set everything up for you. You don’t have to pay any screening room rental or exhibition fee – all you have to do is help promote the film and get people to reserve tickets!
Click GATHR A SCREENING and sign up to become a Movie Captain for Thank You For Your Service at your local movie theater.
Attend a Screening
REMEMBER: With Theatrical On Demand® we can bring this powerful film wherever and whenever the demand exists. But to do this, Thank You for Your Service will come to your community only if enough tickets are sold in advance. This means you need to order your tickets now if you want to screen the film in your town.
Enter your city or zip code in the map to see the screenings in your area. Click on the dot on the map for the screening you want to attend and reserve your tickets today.
With 20 veterans taking their own lives each day, the United States military faces a mental health crisis of historic proportions. Join us in the support of the creation of a Behavioral Health Corps (BHC) in the armed services – a single, unified corps that adequately addresses the urgent and critical mental health needs of our nation’s heroes.
” If the public takes one message away from this film: reach out to your member of Congress and request that they support a Behavioral Health Corps in the military #bhcnow. That will be the best action that they can take to help address the plaque of suicides that our veterans are suffering “
– Dan Rice, President, Thayer Leader Development Group at West Point
Step One
Host your own screening to continue to expose communities to the need to make mental health a priority for our military personnel and veterans.
Step Two
Let your local representative know that you think the mental health of our military personnel and veterans should be a priority.
Step Three
Donate to BHCNOW. Your donation will go toward creating education advocacy and awareness for the need for a Behavioral Health Corps in the military.